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Currently reading

In Big Trouble
Laura Lippman
Midnight Rescue
Elle Kennedy
Frost Burned - Patricia Briggs 4.5 for sure
Crimson Frost - Jennifer Estep *Review coming soon*
When You Dare - Lori Foster

3.5 for sure
Inner Demons - Sarra Cannon

I thought I knew what was going on, I had no Idea. I loved being surprised!!!!!

Deadly Lies - Cynthia Eden 4.5 for sure. I couldn't put this book down. I read it in a single setting. Not something I do often.
Kill Me If You Can - James Patterson, Marshall Karp

During what authorities calls a terrorist attack at Grand Central Station, Matthew Bannon,a poor art student,happens upon a man who is dying from a knife wound and a bag full of diamonds that will change his life forever...

With a bag full of diamonds Matthew plans a worry-free life, Starting with taking his girlfriend Katherine on a trip to France. However, this isn't quite the romantic get a way Matthew planed because he can't escape the feeling that someone is after him …

Meet the Ghost to many he's known as the world greatest assassin. He has just pulled off his most high-profile hit: Walter Zelvas. Who happened to be an upper member of the International Diamond Syndicate. Although he was successful in Eli sting his target, he failed to revived diamonds, and now they are missing and with the help of an inside tip, he is on Matthew Bannon's trail..

However, the Ghost isn't the only assassin that is in town. He is being hunted by the assassin himself. She is ruthless and cold blooded and will not hesitate at a chance to take an out one of the best assassin's in the world. Not only is hired to take out the Ghost, but Matthew Bannon as well...

This was a really fun book for me. I love books with assassin's who have morals and integrity. I know, I know, they kill people for money, but I love the shades of Gray they live in a world that's black and white. The characters where believable and likable at times. I really enjoyed them. (Even the shady ones) This was surprisingly a quick read, I couldn't put it down. I would recommend this for anyone who enjoy assassins,and shocking twist and that are in need a quick read.

Happy Reading!

Personal Demon (Women of the Otherworld, Book 8) - Kelley Armstrong More like 3.5 stars
Soulless  - Gail Carriger, Emily Gray Definitely 3.5 stars for me. I really enjoyed this book
Red-Headed Stepchild - Jaye Wells

I was not as impressed with this story as I thought I would be. I love assassins and love them even more when the assassin is female, but there were some things that was missing in story for me. Don't get me wrong it is the first book in the series and it wasn't terrible I just found myself frowning more than I would have liked. Besides new series tend to get better as they go alone, so I will continue to see if it will grow on me.

Sabina Kane, a half vampire half mage. Not only does her mixed blood label her an outcast to her vampire family, the only profession she is allowed to pursue is as an assassin for the Dominae.

In the futile attempt to gain her grandmothers approval, Sabina accepts an assignment to infiltrate the enemies camp and assassinate it's leader. However, while on her mission Sabina with the help of Adam, the hottie mage who happens to pop in (literally) at the most convenient times, finds out not all is what it seems in the Dominae and shes is a pawn in a plan that will start a war between vampires and mages.

Now Sabina is caught up in a dangerous game and she is determine to set things right. Her loyalties are being tested and soon she will have to choose sides. But making the wrong choice just may cost her her life...

To be fair I will say most of the reasons that I did not like this book was some of Sabina's personality traits and/or choices made in the book,such as: Warning there are a few spoilers listed

Her blind unquestioning loyalty to the Dominae who clearly resented her for what she was and shouldn't have been completely trusted

Her bias opinion on the mage race even though she is half mage herself

After finding out the Dominae was siphoning blood from the mages for their wine, she still had to question whether the Dominae had good intentions; Gave them all the plans, which end up getting her friend killed and all the mages as well.

I just didn't really like Sabina very much after that...

Spider's Bite - Jennifer Estep Description & Synopsis

Orphaned at 13,by a fire that killed her family, Gin is now struggling to survive in the mean streets of Ashland. Then she meets Fletcher: owner of the Pork Pit, who takes her in and teacher her everything she knows... Seventeen years later Gin, also known as the Spider, is one of the best and most feared in the South.


*This review contains spoilers*

Gin Blanco is one kick ass assassin who throws knives first and take names second. She is hired to take out Gordon Giles, who is suspected of embezzling from Halo Industries. When Gin botches the hit what turns out to be a easy assignment, turns out to be a setup that not only get a number of people hurt and killed; including her handler and father in everything but blood killed, it also leaves all evidence of the murders pointing the blame at her. Then there is sexy detective Donovan Caine:probably the only honest cop in Ashland,who gets caught up in the web and barely escapes with his life, with help of Gin. He agrees to help find out who is behind the scandal despite his suspicions that Gin is the assassin who killed his partner.

I really enjoyed this introductory story into Gin's world. While I was a little disappointed that I predicted the death of Gin's handler and I suspected that one of the James sisters was the elemental involved in the setup. However, I predict that the series will only get better with time. I hope that Detective Caine and Gin will see each other in books to come. That man is just hot!


I give this book 4.5 star and would recommend to anyone who likes assassins and anything paranormal. It will be a treat!
The Demon You Know - Christine Warren Description and Synopsis

Rule is a member of the Watch, a group of Demons who police Fiends. When a fiend goes missing from Below,the Demon Realm,it is up to Rule to set out Above to locate it before Uzkiel, one of the nastiest Fiends around, find him and get his hands on him. Rule finds the Fiend but to his dismay, the Fiend has possessed a human. Said human is Abby Baker, a research assistant at local TV station. Abby discovers that what she once thought she new about Demons and evil was nothing compared to what she was about to expierence.


I was quite disappointed in this story. I was expecting to learn more about the demon realm, more about Rule himself and the hierarchy of the Watch. It's inner workings and such. However, most of the time I was consistently being subjected to Abby's blather on her opinion of good and evil and insistence on escape instead of trying to work with the Others and Rule to save the humans. After reading, I really didn't think the plot was very strong and I did not feel the connection between Rule and Abby. I hope that the next installment proves different.


I gave this book 2 stars. It was okay. I would recommend this book to anyone who starts a series and must finish it (like me) and for those who want a quick and easy read.

When Blood Calls - J.K. Beck Wow, this was definitely a page turner!

Just when I thought I knew whats going on, and it all figured out, WHAM!!! the twist in the storyline turned me for a loop. I really enjoyed reading this book.

Lucius Dragos is at a local bar when in order to avoid the perceptive gaze of the man he planning to kill he grabs the beautiful brunette sitting next to him and kissed her. And oh what a kiss it was!

What started off as a diversionary kiss turned in to an explosive night of passion that is all-consuming...

Sara Constantine is an up and coming prosecuting attorney who is thrilled about her promotion to the infamous and mysterious District 6. However, what she thought was a sector of Homeland Security, turns out to be the PEC- The Preternatural Enforcement Coalition and now she has learned she won't be prosecuting the average Joe anymore, but Vampyres, Werewolves and other things that go bump in the night.

Her first case hits a little closer to home than expected. She has to prosecute a man accused to murdering a retired judge. It's nothing she can't handle she handled plenty of cases and she is good at her job. However, what she wasn't prepared for was coming face to face with her defendant, none other than Lucius Dragos ,the mystery man from the bar. And that is not all, he's a vampyre...

Now Sara must do what is right and find evidence against Lucius even if it means his execution, no matter her feelings for him which are getting complicated by the day.

Meanwhile...Stemmons, a serial killer, one Sara just recently put away, has escaped and no little girl is safe, the attacks are getting worse and upon closer inspection, they look like a vampyre is assisting him.

The author does a great job putting a spin on the vampire life, giving them actual daemons who vie for dominance over each other. This was refreshing, because with so many Vampire series/books out there it's hard not to have overlapping or redundancy. I found J.K Beck's twist acceptable but not overdone.

Killing Floor - Lee Child
Money Murder and Mayhem...What a wonderful combination!!

I chose this book because I was looking for a series that had a strong male lead. Most of the books I read are from the female prospective, I was in the mood for something different. Boy, did Lee Child deliver!!! This book was amazing. If you enjoy a good mystery with a lot of action, then this is definitely the book for you. The Killing floor is probably one of the best debut mystery/thriller novels I've read to date. This book will not disappoint.

Jack Reacher is a footloose ex-military police officer who has no problem getting his hands dirty. He has brilliant hand to hand skills, and a astonishing knowledge of weaponry. He wonders from state to state going where ever the wind blows a true loner, Reacher decides to to stop in Margrave, Ga . Less than half an hour off his stepping off the Greyhound bus is Reacher arrested and accused of murder . To his surprise, Reacher discovers that one of the victims is his brother, a U.S Treasury agent. Reacher hasn't seen his brother in seven years and he is not a believer of coincidences. The chances of Reacher and his brother being in the same town with one being murdered and the other accused of said murder just doesn't add up. Joe is a long way from his home in D.C and it is up to Reacher to find out what that is. All Reacher has is a piece of paper found in his brother shoe, with the list of names. Before long, Reacher finds out that all the names on the is list are people who is dead. Not all is what it seems in Margrave and Reacher is determined to find out what. He must uncover what his brother Joe was into and why the only eye witness, the Chief of police swears Reacher is the murderer. It doesn't take long before Reacher unearths a conspiracy that involves the whole town of Margrave. Soon, blood is shed, lives are lost and bodies accumulate.

This is a book that you will definitely loose sleep over. I could not put it down!!!!